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[ASKKPOP] 'Assassination' is freed from accusations of plagiarism

On August 18, theSeoul Central District Courtrevealed that they have dismissed novelistChoi Jong Rim'spreliminary injunction petition to ban the screeningof 'Assassination(starringJun Ji Hyun).

The courts ruled, "It's hard to see any substantial similarities between the novel and the movie. It's hard to prove that the movie screening violates Mr. Choi's rights," giving the reasoning behind their dismissal grounds.

Choi had claimed that 'Assassination' plagiarized his novel, 'Korean Memories,' which was published back in 2003, bringing a 10 billion KRW (~$ 8.4 million USD) suit against the major parties involved in the movie's creation.Caper Films, the company in charge of 'Assassination's production, released a statement saying,  "Raising questions of plagiarism without any basis and bringing suit by claiming a violation of rights is an act of serious defamation as it ruins the creative repute of the film and discredits the [work of the] scenario writer."

The company's legal rep asserted, "Should there be any more claims of a violation of rights without any grounds, or falsities defaming the creators's reputation, we will take forcible legal action."

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