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BTS say they're fans of 3 time world champions SKT T1 and Faker

After winning the Top Social Artist award at '2017 Billboard Music Awards',BTSis making the rounds and visiting various American media outlets, the latest is withYahoo's Esports.

When asked if they preferredStarcraftorLeague of Legends, most of the members chose Starcraft and acted like the Dragoon unit.Jinchose League of Legends and says he plays the champion Jhin. When asked who their favorite team was, they chose Korean League of Legends powerhouse teamSKT T1,Rap Monstermade sure to mention, "We're Koreans." They also yelled out, "Faker!Go Faker!"

When asked who their favorite player was,Jungkookanswered, "Overwatch." Rap Monster had to point out that they were asking for their favorite player, not their favorite game. He then chose YoutuberYulma Appa (Father)as his favorite player.

Check out the fun interview below!