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Brand New Music CEO Rhymer talked about the agency and big plans for his artists next year, including a Brand New Boys debut!

Rhymer (41, Kim Se-hwan) The love and enthusiasm for the artists was an extraordinary representative. Through interviews and popular rappers who released many hits, I was able to feel more of a friendly representative who would like to be closer to the artist in the industry and his brotherhood. 

Star News interviewed Starmaker with Rummer to talk about the past, present, and future of Brand New Music, as well as current players who lead brand new music from Bourbonzine to Brand New Boys, and his wife An Hyeon



- What is the last song that the singer announced? 

▶ Well. The most recent song that I participated as a pop star would have appeared in December 2012. It was a single album that I called together with the artists of the brand new music, and I participated in rap featuring at that time. 

- Then I can not see the song of singer Rhymer now. 

I once had a talk with my acquaintances about my solo song presentation. But now I have no idea to release an album with my rap. I'm working hard as an album producer. I just want to release an album with the name Raimer as a producer. If time permits, I would like to produce an album that I have produced as a producer rather than a pop star. 

- Who was the first idol artist to produce? 

▶ I was the first idol to produce the block was a rain. When Zico was in the first year of high school, I met Zico and asked him to team up with him, and I met with Joppy. Since I was a hip-hop artist, I had the intention of making hip-hop idols. The other team that I participated in was Producer Tiara, CLEO Eunjung Solo album, and Seventeen and Monster X also participated as a producer myself. 

- I have a deep affair with Seventeen.

▶ Seventeen is a self-made idol. All of the members have the ability to do well, and I was with Pradesh Han Sung Soo and I also admired the representative. I knew that Seventeen was so charming, and I made my own production. I helped the Seventeen members get started to do their own production. I made the first two albums together, and since then members have made their own. I remember working with a member Uji at that time. I used to be the assistant at that time. 

- Who is the leading singer currently leading brand new music? 

▶ Well. I must be careful. haha. Actually, my approach to the artist is different. I think all of them are flagship artists. I also think that Yang Deyil is rising to be the hottest artist in R & B ballads and I am still active in the midst of the Mt. Every artist is actively working with a completely different personality. 


-MXM I wonder why you think you should excavate Im Young-min and Kim Dong-hyun.

▶ Blockbik mentioned above was a hip-hop idol concept, but MXM and Wanna One are not hip-hop idol concepts. They all thought of it as a boy group to showcase a variety of music. Lee Young-min, Kim Dong-hyun, Lee Dae-hwi, Park Woo-jin, etc. There were two reasons for starting the Brand New Boys project. Once there was no demand for brand new music to make idol production. I have been producing a lot of idol teams while sticking to the existing hip-hop and R & B-oriented style, and knowing how to unearth the idol group was well-known inside. Based on this know-how, I was thinking about making our own team. I do not want to distinguish it from other artists because of Boy Group. 

Only the format shown is different. I had the idea to show off my own music artists and I wanted to be successful, and now I see my idol produced by blockbeen Seventeen Brand New Boys all making their own music. Somehow it started to be a blockbuster, and I think it was a big bang. I already believed in the power of Zico, I believed in Seventeen and Uji, and I believed in him because he believed in everyone. At one point, the market was unfamiliar in the past, but now it is becoming a universalization. Anyone who writes a good piece of music will definitely be covered in boulders. And I have confidence in the skills of the artists I have raised 

I do not think there is a connection between a poisonous brand new music and a female artist or a girl group.

▶ I have produced many good results with my girl group. I also produced a lot of girl groups such as AOA Jimin, Tiara, Io Ai and Se Suta. Once I'm working on it and I'm making it myself, it's not just making albums. In terms of planning and leading the team as a whole, I think synergy is still better when creating a male artist. This also shows that each production company has a tendency. Right now, there are many things to focus on and care about, so there is no plan to launch a girl group. 


- if that submitted the japyeong about the activities of this year's MXM. 

▶ I would like to express that the charm and strengths that can be shown in the Duo-type Boy group proved that there is a possibility in this market as well. I think that the Boy group is important for individual members' individual fandom, and in that aspect, the duo style may be lacking in many ways, and I think that we were able to appeal by showing two bigger chemistries. I opened the possibilities and got feedback on the sales volume of the record. 

I think that it is a disadvantage that there are two people that I feel sorry for myself. Because it is two people, performance on the stage can be more restrictive than a team with a large number of members. I spent a year on a busy schedule and thought that the most important thing for MXM was musical growth. It's what I want to be more mature, growing and controlling my music. 

- I think there are a lot of fans wondering about the future of MXM.

▶ Once both of them were still busy on schedule, I did not have enough time to concentrate on their music. I am concentrating on arranging a concert solo now, and I will be busy until the end of the year because I have to go on a Japanese Jeff tour and have a foreign event such as a Hong Kong fan meeting and a Brazilian performance. And before the end of the year, I'm trying to get one more album or singles back in MXM's comeback. I'm also busy preparing for Brand New Boys next year. This part is very exciting because fans are expecting too much. 

- I am also curious about the next move of Lee Dae-hwi and Park Woo-jin who are members of Warner One. 

▶ Both of them have been communicating and talking about the move since the end of Wanna One. I do not think it matters in any way, but I think both of them will be able to demonstrate these things more fully, such as the strengths and attractiveness of each one that Warner Won did not show. Wanna One has a large number of members and a lot of friends who need to be illuminated, so it was not enough to unfold all of their charms. I will act like that in a way that appeals to you.