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EXID is back as a five member group for the first time in two years with the return of leader Solji

Girl group EXID returned to healthy wholeness and released addictive comeback songs. 


EXID 'AllaVue' comeback showcase was broadcast live on the 21st portal site Naver 'V Live'. 

The EXID, which came back to perfection in two years, came back with anticipation. EXID, who opened the showcase stage with 'shoddy', opened up the conversation by sending out the latest news. "I spent a lot of time on health recovery," said Soo Ji, who had been missing from EXID due to hyperthyroidism. 


The expectation of the EXID, which came back a long time ago, seems to have been seen. "V live" heart number exceeded 65 million hearts before the beginning. MC immediately proposed a heart pledge. EXID has promised to take heart capture time for members if they exceed the number of 81.3 million hearts using their debut August 13th. 


EXID returned to fans in two years as a single 'I LOVE YOU'. 'Alla Vue' is a song made by Sinsa-dong Tiger and Rapper Eli (LE). It gives a sophisticated feeling of Eli's attractive bass, Solzie and Hyerin's solid treble and addictive voice sampling. 


He also explained why he was wearing a red costume suit. "I would not like to have a concept that can make the best of 'cool (pretty and pretty)'," said Hani. Purification is the choreography of choreography 'Heart'

Hyerun said, "We have a lot of people who are very competitive this month and next month, but we made our pledge," and promised "we will provide you with rice for your fans." Each member said that he would give rice, soup, side dish, dessert etc by item. Solzie said, "We will release it." 


He also made plans for future activities. "We filmed a group art for you," he said. "It's been a long time since we've been appearing in the arts as a complete body, but I want you to have a good time watching it." "Let's expect music broadcasting," he added. 


"I want to show you five people, and I want to show you how to sing because I'm a vocalist." 

members who finished the stage of 'Alleuvu' did not show up as the number of hearts was less than the promised 81.3 million. Each member earned time by calling his part in "AllaVu" section 1. Nevertheless, when the number of hearts was exhausted, Solzie drove heart capture time. 

The soles were cute, clean, and posing nice. "I will show 'Alleuvu' in many places starting today," said Soji.