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Epik High claim that they are boring people in 'The Celebrity'

Veteran hip-hop crewEpik Highsat down for an interview with 'The Celebrity' magazine!

During the interview, when asked what rappers talk about, the members answered,"We talk about really dumb things. We hang out withAOMGguys and rapperYankiea lot, but if we hang out for 3 hours, literally for 2 of those hours we just talk about which short celebrities out there are shorter than us."

Well are the members fun around each other? According toTablo,"When we were younger, we would go perform overseas and hang out in a room together before going to sleep. But these days, we just use our own separate rooms, and don't leave them much. We catch up on dramas or play games. Sorry, this is probably really boring. But you know what's more boring than this? Our lives."

When the interviewer tried to refute them, the members intervened, saying,"We live happy lives, but we're not sure if happy and fun are the same. Our lives are actually pretty peaceful. A lot of people think that hip-hop artists or rock artists have that kind of brilliance about them, but we don't."

You definitely can't always live a fun-filled life all the time! Check out Epik High's pictorial cuts below, where they worked with graffiti artistMadvictor!