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Girlfriend released her summer mini album 'Sunny Summer'

A group girlfriend joined the summer music festival as a summer song for 'Summer Power Summer'.


My girlfriend released her summer mini album 'Sunny Summer', which includes the title song 'Summer Summer', through the music site on 6th.

The title song 'Summer Summer' is a cool pop dance song featuring the cool summer electric guitar sound and the summer night feelings of the girls. It is a cool seaside sound for those who listen to the cool vocals and funky rhythms unique to their girlfriends. To give a feeling of refreshing.

Especially, 'Summer Summer' is a hit producer 's side sidetrack and a girlfriend who created a hit song every summer for the first time to catch up with another hit.

"Where are we going to confess tonight this moment / Feelings are summer summer, so shall we leave Somewhere / Cha cha cha I'm lonely, I'm lonely, Summer is more full of lovers / Papa Papadocia is broken on the beach Oo where the breathing is heard / Do not forget This summer night buried in my heart / To tell you honestly I love you I am a mysterious place "

"Summer summer sunny summer let's have a good time / Hey sunny summer having a good time /

The lively cuteness of the girlfriend, the addictive refrain, and the lyrics with the sense that the members' names have also melted add to the cool and refreshing summer atmosphere.

The "Summer Summer" music video, which was released together, showed the cool charm of a girlfriend who enjoys a cool summer day. The beauty and power of her exhilarating girlfriend, as well as the cool performance, attracts the eyes and ears of the people who add a sophisticated and sensual beauty that goes well with the cool sound.

In particular, this point choreography has attracted intimacy and cute charm with a performance that anyone can easily follow instead of the powerful dancer who is unique to his girlfriend.

I am expecting that my girlfriend who has swept the music industry every summer from 'Today, We' to 'You and me' and 'When I listen to my ear'