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'House of Dolls' Jaejoong and Hyojung meet each other

Hyojung tells Jaehoon to bring the body of Hye Kyung Hui as the third requirement. Jaejoen hides the story that he finds his brother and pretends to listen to the requirements of Hyojung.


Jae Joon meets Seonyeon and tells what he asked for, and Jaejoong said, "I pretended to listen to it or I will not let my brother go ... I'm thinking about what to do to Kim Hyojung."

Young Sook says to Gyeong Hye, "If you want to drive Zhang Ming-hwan out of the company, you have to hold hands with Hong Se-yeon." Young Seok meets Seonyeon and tells me to hold hands with Gyeong-hye, but Seon is angry that she "sends me to a psychiatric hospital and makes my mother like that, how to get on with her."

Seonyeon departed from the place to face the incoming Gyeonghee "You can not force me to take my mother," he accused. Gyeong-hye said to Young-suk, "I told you it would not be easy," and Young-suk says, "You should make Lee Jae-jun even our own."

Young-su invites Jae-joon to the house a few days later, but Jae-jun does not open his mind to the fact that Gyeong-hye is his brother's hit-and-run. Gyeonghyeon said, "I have made enough compensation," and Jaejoong is more angry with his appearance.

Yong-sook says, "Gye-hye-mal is a reflection and guilty feeling enough to change the atmosphere." Jaejun said, "I will not come to this house in the future," and Gyeonghyeon said, "What if my brother knew that he was the grandfather of blood like Seo Yeon-yeon, I think, "he said.

Jaejoong said, "I will not let you go." Young-suk said to Gyeong-hye, "What if you make it more difficult to make a mood to relax?"

On the other hand, that evening, the flower was suffering from a nightmare, and the wardrobe that was sitting next to him held the flower and said, "Do not cry." The family who came into the screaming of the flower was surprised when the swim talked. She said, "Mom, did you say now? Can you hear me now?"