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Hyolyn talked about the health problems she faced during her childhood and how her tattoo gave her more confidence.

In the TVN entertainment program 'Life Bar' broadcasted on the 9th night, Hyorin, Song Eun and An Young Mi appeared as guests. 
On this day, MC Han Hye Jin asked Hyosin carefully, "I watched a music video and heard that there was a big tattoo." Hyorin said, "I had a cover tattoo because of a big wound on my stomach." In childhood, there were two big open wounds. 

"I was diagnosed with pancreaticobiliary cancer because I was born in a cold state, and I was diagnosed with pancreaticobiliary cancer." After one year, I had another operation with intestinal complications, tattooed on the cross as a scar, Explaining and laughing peculiarly. 

Hyori said, "My parents' parents who have a disease called biliary atresia send a lot of e-mails saying that they are working hard while looking at Hyorin." 

Biliary atresia is a rare neonatal disease, the bile duct from the liver to the duodenum is closed due to unknown cause, bile can not be discharged to the digestive tract and accumulates, causing damage to the liver. This causes severe jaundice, and the food does not mix with bile, so the white stool like a tofu goes through cirrhosis.
The neonatal biliary tract obstruction occurs in about 1 to 20,000 births, and it is a rare congenital disease in which the exact cause of the disease is unknown. In order to treat biliary atresia, it is important to undergo surgery called "Kasai", which will resect both the damaged bile duct and the gallbladder and connect the bile duct to the small intestine to create a new bile duct.