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JTBC’s “Legal High” has released new stills of Yoon Park!

JTBC’s “Legal High”' Yoon is the first to appear as a lawyer. 11

On September 9, JTBC's new gilt drama 'Regal High' (directed by Park Sung-jin, directed by Kim Jung-hyun) unveiled the first appearance of Yoon-Bak's still-appearing steelcut, which was split into Ace lawyer Kang Ki-seok. It captures the eye with the figure which is full of cool cool big key and a warm appearance. 

Yoon Sang - koo (Jeong Hoon Koo), who loses to T'erim (Jingu) in the last broadcast, "Even if the person who does not know the law is going to win the trial". In addition, the trial was even more angry because the B & G law firm's vast (Kim Byung-ok) sketched the plate from the beginning, so the news was "to seize the gangster in the tortured case." 


Kang Ki-seok, who appeared in front of a massive audience who wanted to be a high-ranking Tamerim sniper in the preview video of "Regal High" The explanations of Brain lawyer, Minjoo Kyung (Chung Jung-an), that "the odds are more than a monster," adds to expectations of his appearance. 

Kang Ki-seok, who shared his hug with a nice hug and shouted "Brother" when he faced T'orim. The Omnibus and the Taerim are amazed at the fact that they can enjoy and love someone like this. He would also be Kang Ki-seok, a master who taught all of his attorneys from Taerim. But Gerald Tamir does not know that Kang Ki-seok is still joining a B & G law firm. So, if you know the fact that you are a sniper, how do you react? For what reasons did Kang Ki-seok leave the T & T Law Office and join the B & G law firm?


"Regal Hai" crew explained, "Kang Ki-seok is a character in the court with a weapon opposite to that of the Taerim." "I would like to see what kind of person Kang Ki-seok is in the first appearance, what story he has, and what kind of change he will make in the future Taehrim Law Office and B & G law firm." 

Meanwhile, 'Regal High' is broadcast every Friday and Saturday at 11 pm.