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Jung Yu-mi, intense 'seek' aura


The actress's chic aura is intense. Actress Jung Yu-mi decorated fashion magazine cover.

In the public image, Jung Yumi has a black, white, beige color, minimalistic costume, and a sophisticated hairstyle, red lip and jewelry layering.


Through interviews after shooting, he said, "The experience of 'Yoon Restaurant' was very good, and there are some parts that have changed themselves during that time, and I feel freer not because people are more confined to knowing than before. I felt that the gaze that I gazed at was diverse, but there are many things that are right and wrong, and it seems to be easy for me to choose a work or meet someone, which is a very grateful experience. "


"There are many incidents in the 'Live,' but I think more about the dignity of the human being. The most basic thing a human being should have as a human being is whether I live in keeping them well, I thought about it, and the staff and the actors took a really strong and solid picture in the field.

On the other hand, more pictures of Jung Yu Mi can be found in the June issue of Elle.