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Kangnam reveals he got popular after losing weight

M.I.B'sKangnamtalked about his dieting experience during the December 1 broadcast ofJTBC's 'Refrigerator, Please.'

On this episode, MCJung Hyung Donsaw the high-calorie meat and noodles in Kangnam's fridge, he said, "You're very skinny right now, but I heard you weighed a lot in the past."

Kangnam replied, "In the past, I weighed up to 90 kg (~ 198 lbs).  That's why I didn't eat starting at 6 o'clock.  After losing weight, I got more popular," making everyone laugh.

On the other hand,Sayurirevealed she did not go on a diet, but would do yoga three times a day.

You can see the MCs go through Kangnam's refrigerator with amusing horror in the clip above!