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Lawyer Kwak Jun Ho issued a statement on October 8 that responded to accusations that Choi Jong Bum used “revenge porn” against Goo Hara.

The former singer, Choi Jong - bum, who argues with the singer and actor Kuhara, is arguing against the criticism of 'revenge porn'. 

Choi has accused him of violating the Exceptional Act on Punishment, Intimidation and Punishment of Sexual Crimes, saying that he had intimidated himself with a private image. 


Choi's lawyer, Kwon Jun-ho, said on August 8 that "rebel pornography is a pornography released without the consent or consent of the party, which threatens to threaten to force another person to commit another sexual act or to destroy the relationship. It is used for the purpose, "he said. 

He said, "The images that Jeongbum and Kuhara shot and simply kept were nothing to do with revenge pornography, and there has never been a dissemination attempt as well as dissemination." This will be clearly revealed through analysis and investigation of police seizures, "He said. 

Choi said in an interview with the Newsweek earlier in the interview, "I have a willingness to agree with Kwahara, I really want to be reconciled. 

Then, according to a law firm, "Choi's interview is a second round of violation of the essence of this incident: intimidation and coercion with the spread of images and attempted dissemination of images," he said. I strongly warn you about that. "

Choi pointed out, "Choi Jong-beom has just made his argument for Kuhara's one-sided allegation, and his second assault against Mr. Kang is to prevent even the right to a minimum of right of reply "He said. 

Choi has not disclosed the public opinion since more than 200,000 people participated in the "violence punishment of rebuild pornography" written on the occasion of the case at the Cheong Wa Dae National Petition.