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NCT 127 is promoting their first full album “NCT #127 Regular-Irregular” in the United States.

First album 'NCT # 127 Regular-Irregular' ( NCsoft Tea # 127 regular-irregular) pending an announcement spirals US debut promotions NCT 127 (NCsoft tee 127, SM Entertainment belong) Local media attention is hot about. 


NCT 127 is expected to catch the eye of US viewers as it will be interviewed on Good Day LA, a popular morning show of FOX 11 channel, which will be broadcast live on September 9 (local time). 

'Good Day LA' is a morning entertainment information program for FOX 11, which is broadcast live from 7 am to 10 pm every weekday from Monday to Friday. It was launched in 1993 and has a history of 25 years. I realize the high local interest. 

In addition, NCT 127 is also a part of NBC's "Access Hollywood", the largest entertainment channel E! ABC 'Jimmy Kimmel Live!', '2018 American Music Awards' Red Carpet attendance, 'Mickey & Friends' Mickey's 90th Spectacular ', a busy promotional event outside of the stage, will be more focused on the fans.

In addition, NCT 127 released 'Regular Dream' (Regular Dream), the first teaser video of this album, through YouTube and Naver TV SMTOWN channel on the 5th, 'Van (My Van)' sound source, and the second teaser video 'Irregular Office' (Regular Office) is scheduled to open at 12 o'clock at night. do. 

NCT 127's regular album 'NCT # 127 Regular-Irregular' consists of 11 tracks, including the title track 'Regular'.

On October 12, NCT 127 released its first full- And all kinds of music sites.