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SF9’s Chani talked about his auditions for “SKY Castle,” his reaction to the drama’s conclusion, and more.

The JTBC gilt drama 'SKY Castle' is a common reaction of viewers to the universe. He is the main dancer of the idol group SF9. Before his debut as an idol, he first stood in front of the camera in SBS 'stocking' in 2007 and started acting as Kim Jae-won in the MBC 'My heart can hear' in 2011. 

Since then, she has been working on KBS 2TV 'Good man who is not anywhere in the world', Song Jung Gi, MBC 'Queen's classroom' Kim Hyang Ki first love, TVN 'signal' I have accumulated my activity ability in my area. 


Chan-hee, who pulled out 'SKY Castle', is preparing for the SF9 comeback scheduled for mid-February. I went to Japan for 3 days and 2 nights to promote the promotion during the New Year holidays. Even in a tight schedule, Chanhee expressed affection, saying, "I have not yet been able to send the universe." 

SKY Castle 's last meeting was broadcasted during the holiday season. I saw the last broadcast. 

I was living in a hostel so I saw with my members. I was sorry and sorry for the last time. I've heard so many times and have been through the hard work of the universe. The prison also came and felt the feeling of losing a favorite person. So sorry. "SignalFollowed by 'SKY Castle'. It was Cho Jin-woong who acted most helpful when playing the false act.


He advised me to take a sense of action when shooting a 'signal'. JoJinWoong asked me to catch his arm and said, "I will take root and you should hold on." So I sold it to the end. He said, 'Do your acting with your heart.' 

▲ Happy ending 'SKY Castle' I think the last reversal of the space is a drop in the universe. 

Whatever the entire universe was, it was a position to support it unconditionally. Thinking about dropping out is also a good choice. I feel happy that the universe will do many things in the future. 

▲ 'SKY Castle' is about 20 years old. How was college entrance examination? 

While preparing for college entrance examination last year, I was notified of passing the 'SKY Castle' audition. I think I should concentrate on my work rather than college, so I gave up my entrance examination. It is a drama about entrance examination, but it is opposite (laugh). From the posture to the work, I felt the skin while looking at the seniors how I should try to direction in the future. Participation was a big learning. 

▲ What did you show in the audition? 

I looked up to the third car, and at first I saw it all together with Seo Jun, standard, and the universe. I prepared hard because I was auditioning for a long time, and I felt that I was feeling up. Personally, I had a desire to have a standard that was the opposite of my role. 


▲ The biggest difference between the universe and I said 'I'm not that bright.' 

I am as active as the universe, not personality first. It looks like you just looked at a bright image that naturally bury. I have a lot of hiding. When I stood on the stage of 'stocking' for the first time with a little TVXQ called 'TVXQ', I was worried about what I had to do because I was afraid that people's eyes would concentrate on me. Still, it is good to dance, and acting is fun, so it seems to have been active so far. 
Is the first appearance on the TV show? 

When the mother saw the pictures uploaded to the SNS, the producers got in touch with her. At that time, I thought I wanted to challenge the acting, and when I was in the fourth grade of elementary school, I entered the company for the first time and made my debut as a child actor. I learned to dance and sing along at the company, but it was fun enough not to give up anything. Since then, my dream has been an all-around entertainer. Singer and actor, I want to do everything well. 

Breathe in 'SKY Castle', but soon came back to the SF9 comeback. I am missing this award. 

Lee Tae Ran, who was a mother and father in the drama, Choi Won Young said, 'If you do not go, we will not go.' I am sorry too. Everyone was friendly, but when I was with the idol, I was just about to fall out of my mind. I had my birthday during filming, and I had to go early because of the practice, so I had a birthday party without me and sent me a video. '


▲ Is it necessary to rest? 

The company first asked me, 'Do you want time to recover your health?' There seems to be a lot of things now or not. There are SF9 variants that have suffered so far. I have been living together for over three years now and I am like my family. I am always sorry and thank you guys. I can not speak to you from the front and I confess every time I interview. 

▲ I have done a lot of interviews so far. 

(Laughs) I have never been able to go on a family trip together, so I always wanted to go to this place, but my mom, dad, and younger brother came only to me because of my schedule in Japan. I want to go with you in time.