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SHINee members talk about who makes the most money!

SHINeecharmed and entertained viewers on'Happy Together'with their appearance as a whole team!

The October 20 installment of 'Happy Together' hosted SHINee,Lee Kuk Ju, andKim Ji Min. When the MCs asked SHINee,"How does profit work? Do you guys divide everything 5 ways?"Jonghyunanswered,"No, we earn as much as we work."

WhenPark Myung Sooasked,"Who makes the most?"Onewreplied,"These days,Keyworks the most."

Park Myung Soo followed up with another question, asking,"Do you ever feel like you earn less than what you expected?"Jonghyun answered again, stating,"Yeah, sometimes we do talk about that, saying, 'Isn't this month's [income] too small?'"