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TiOp Media · Elzo finishing exclusive contract dispute

Tiopei Media said Tuesday that it has reached an agreement with Ezo in a lawsuit filed against the company for a violation of its exclusive contract with Ezo through an official press release. 
"We have concluded an agreement on the condition of compliance with and fulfillment of ELO 's exclusive contractual obligations under the exclusive contract made pursuant to ELO' s request for agreement." 

"On August 11, we completed the settlement of Ezo's settlement, and we filed a lawsuit against Taipi Media for a lawsuit against Ezo for the exclusive contract, and finalized the exclusive contractual relationship." . 

The dispute between El Joe and Tioffi Media dates back to February last year. On Tiofopedia's side, Elzor sent a proof of content requesting termination of the contract. 

In the same year, in July of the same year, the special committee of the Special Committee for Prevention and Punishment of Ethics decided to prohibit exclusive contracts and advance contact with other companies related to Elmo until the finalization of the legal dispute. As the E-Jo team continued to engage in individual activities and the adjustments were not made in the yearly sales campaign, TiOpmedia was sued for damages under the exclusive contract. 

Here is the official position of Tiofymedia. Tiofymedia has reached an agreement with Eloz on the claim of damages for the violation of the exclusive contract, which was filed against the former member of the tin top, Ezzo. He said.

TioPhyMedia Co., Ltd. has concluded an agreement on the precondition of Ezio's compliance and fulfillment of obligations under the exclusive contract in accordance with the exclusive contract signed by Ezio .  

On May 11, Ezio's settlement was completed, and Tiofymedia filed a lawsuit against Ezo (Bong Heon) against a claim for damages for the exclusive contract, And that he had filed a lawsuit with the district court and finalized the exclusive contractual relationship.