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WINNER open up about Nam Tae Hyun's departure from the group

WINNERtalked aboutNam Tae Hyun's departure from the group. 

On April 4, WINNER made their long-awaited and also first ever comeback as a group of 4. 

In an interview withOSEN, the members opened up about the absence of Nam Tae Hyun.Kang Seung Yoon stated,"Nam Tae Hyun couldn't be with us due to health issues. It's true that it was difficult. It wasn't just 'Oh well we can't do anything'. We were concerned about our fans. There were a lot of people who loved Nam Tae Hyun and Nam Tae Hyun did well as the main vocal so that led to concerns."

He continued,"But we couldn't spend days just worrying. I believed that we could no longer make fans wait. So we jumped into producing to make a comeback. We concentrated on self-development so the fans couldn't feel his emptiness. We had no choice but to grow."