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What does Park Myung Soo want from Yoo Jae Suk?

What does Park Myung Soo want from Yoo Jae Suk?

Park Myung Soorevealed that he sought to understand the ‘nation’s MC’,Yoo Jae Suk, more deeply.

When asked by his fellow co-hosts onMBC‘s ‘Magic Concert‘ what kinds of magic he would like to possess for himself, he answered,“When people likeJung Jun HaandKim Tae Hyungang up on me for no reason, I’d like to know why they did that.”

“Also, when we film together and Yoo Jae Suk doesn’t say anything or looks a little bit annoyed, I always think, ‘what did I do this time’,”he said.“I want to know what he thinks about.”