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"Clean up once hot " Yoon Gyeong-sang gave a good line to Kim Yoo-jung

On June 11, JTBC 's "I clean up once hot," Jeong Sun - kyun (Yoon Gyung - sang) denied her mind toward Gilseol (Kim Yu - jung). The prime minister denied the words, "You are in love," but eventually he was hiccupped and conscious of the way.


Kwon's secretary (Yoo Seon) urged the prime minister to "apologize". "It is harmless to the human body," said Kwon's secretary, "go ahead and apologize." "When you hurt others, go ahead and apologize. Afterwards, Kwon secretary met with Gilsol and said, "I have to go to the hospital. I will apologize on your behalf.

Gillesol said, "I like him. Actually, I did not feel that the first meeting was so pleasant, but from then on I thought it would be a good one." This was the prerequisite for passing. Gilsosol told Kwon Secretary that he would send the bureaucratic station and say, "I think it would be good for you to strike me," but Kwon's secretary urged me to hand it to him directly.

I felt my heart beating as I remembered Gillesol's words. At that time, Gilseol came to the house with a bamboo knife. I was surprised at the prerequisite, but soon I changed clothes and greeted my way. "I apologized for the day, I apologized and apologized," Gil said. Gillesol said, "It is a glandular, I have made a lot of mistakes to the delegation, let's tie it to us. 

I laughed and laughed, and I tried to change clothes by pouring drinks. Gillesol said, "It will be difficult," and Jean Prince said, "Do you look uncomfortable?" But Gilosol said, "At first I thought it was unusual for me to see you, but it is not now, and I think that you would have something like that. I have not been able to do it for a long time, but I do not know what to say, but I do not know what to say. Respectively.


Gilsol arrived alone at the commissioning site. The prerequisite was that Guilseol had left the cleaning support alone. Soon soon, I realized that the place where Gilseol went was the place where there was a case of sexual assault of woman helper. I made a phone call to announce this, but Gilzol did not answer the call. The prime minister rushed hastily. After opening the door, he immediately fisted at the man who appeared. However, the roadside was fine.

The prime minister grasped the situation after asking Gillesol "is it okay?" The way back to home, Jean-kwon, walked directly on the way. Giloseol found a wound in the hands of Jangseon decided to buy the ointment and applied it directly. Gil Solsol said, "I am not really a stranger to the representative," he said, holding the hand of Jang Seon, but at this time Jeong felt his heart beating. The prime minister said, "Give me your hand only once." And kissed. This figure was seen by Choi Gun-soo (Song Jae-rim) who passed by.

The next day, Gil Solsol took a shower and wondered what clothes to wear. I also thought deeply about the kiss that I shared with Gil Soolsol the day before. The prerequisite for checking the internal cleaning status of the company was embarrassed after facing Ghosol. Gil, he was ashamed because he was in front of people. The prime minister was also jealous of Hwang Jae-min (Cha In-ha), who is familiar with Gilseol. The prime minister pointed out the fingernails of the car cuts and said, "Do not you hurt me because I am overworked?" 

Gillesol tried to meet him to make sure what the result was, but made another promise and delayed it. The prime minister was in the hospital to meet his grandfather. My grandfather once again hurt the heart of Jae Sun's resolve. It was also the same as the mother of the resolutions.

"I do not have anything to say to me," said Gil - osol, who met late. "I think I should talk about it yesterday." "I am sorry but I do not feel like talking about this, so let me talk to you later," Zhang said. Gillesol said, "How does a person behave just like he or she feels? I feel like you are a dancer anyway, but yesterday that day, you can say a word about the kiss." "I want to hear what you have to say to me," Chang said. "I'm sorry, but I have no intention of dating."