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'Terius behind me' was a spy Ahn Hyo-seop

It was revealed that Shim Woo-chul (Ahn Hyo-seok) was trying to kill kimborn (So Ji-sup) in MBC 'Terius behind me on the 14th.

Kim Bong and Goo Ae Rin (Jung In-sun) succeeded in securing the USB of Jung Yong-tae (Son Ho-jun) and a list of bribes that are illegal and ineffective in the home of Yoon Chun-sang (Kim Byung-ok). The moment I was about to get out of the house, Kay (Joe Tae-gwan) got a gun at Aarin. Kimbon threw herself down and got a gunshot wound on her arm.


Kim said to Gary Aynin, "You must stick to whatever you have to do." Aarin was able to escape from his home safely with the help of Kimborn. Kimborn, who was injured earlier, eventually collapsed, and Kay pulled a shot at Kimborn.

Then the gun sounded. And Aarin left his place at the end of Kimbon, "I must adhere" while shedding tears.

Especially, the sound of the gun was not K, but the director of the department. Kwon Young shot a gun at Kay to help K in danger, and Kay ran away.

Kwon Young-suh said to Kimbon, "I do not want to thank you later."

Shim Woo-cheol and Ji Yeon-yeon, who heard the news, rushed to the hospital. Joyeon yesterday pointed out to Kwon Young-sil, "How much trouble do you have to worry about replacing?"

Kwon Young-syl said, "I'm not the one who shot the bones," and Ji-yeon noticed Kay.

Ji-yeon did not hesitate to say, "How did he know you came to the scene?" Kwon Young-syl said, "There was a teller." After talking to someone in the room, he raised his curiosity.

Yoon Chun Sang, who found out that the list of bribes was gone late, told Kay that "List is going to be withdrawn because X is going to rescue."

On the other hand, Goa Aryin disguised himself as a nurse and visited Kimborn. "I wanted to pass on my life to him," said Goa Aryin.

Aarin nursed Kimborn, and Kimben smiled, saying, "It's good because I'm hurt."

At this time, Kimbo remembers the scene where Goa Ain had been nursing Jin Yongtai in the past and said, "Actually, I did it before."

Especially, it was Jin-yongtae who informed Kwon's position to Kwon Young-sil.

Kwon Young-yil asked, "Why did you call me, I thought I was protecting Yoon Chun-sang, but I did not want to go to Kimon. Jin-yong tae dismissed the saying, "Let's do something like that."

Kwon said, "Why is it that I do not know? Why did you contact me, not Heo Woo?" And Jin-yong tae said, "At least you are not a Cornerstone person."


Kwon Young-sil went to Kimbong after investigating the Marx-Offman passport with a copper line three years ago. Kwon Young-suh, speaking to Kimborn, said, "It must be you. Afterward, it was revealed that Kwon Young-sil was the one who tried to save Kimbon, while Shim Woo-cheol was the one who tried to kill him.

In addition, Jiyoung went to Shim Woo-chul to hand over USB, and he noticed that Shim Woo-cheol knew about Yoon Chun-sang and went out.

Yoon Yeon, who was heading for Kimborn, was hit by a car accident by Yoon Chun Sang, who was trying to retrieve USB. Ji Yeon was able to complete the operation safely, but was unconscious.

Kimbon headed for Shim Woo Chul. He asked, "Why did you do that? You used Choi Kyung Kyung (Nam Kyu Ri) to die, and why did you kill him?" And Shim Woo-chul said, "It has been a hindrance to our system."

Kim banged his gun toward Shim Woo-cheol. At that moment, Kwon Young-sil appeared and said, "Yoon Chun-san is gone. Do not beat the job with the vengeance of the moment." Then he arrested Shim Woo-cheol.

Kimborn returned to the scene. That shim shimwoo was transferred to R3. However, the person who carries out the traffic accident of Juyeon Yeon earlier took over the work of Shim Woo-chul, and afterwards, the figure of Shim Woo-cheol making a smile showed his curiosity.