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'Alley Restaurant' Baek Jong-won supplemented the pork spine ribs soup recipe for Hongje-dong Potato Soup

Culinary researcher Baek Jong-won supplemented the pork spine ribs soup recipe for Hongje-dong Potato Soup. In the SBS 'Baekjongwon's Alley Restaurant', which was broadcast on the 5th, the scene where Baekjongwon developed a new menu of Potato Soup House in Hongje-dong Culture Village was spread. On that day, Baek Jong-won tasted a new menu that his son boiled, and his son was worried that it was "delicious". Baek Jong-won added the water, "the meat broth is not good to be rich," he explained that if the water concentration is not right. Baek Jong-won added ingredients such as radish and kelp, and then tasted the finished pork back ribs soup. Baek Jong-won said, "To eat this, you have to come to this house. Instead, boil it, cool it, and smell it over time. It is a menu that your son is not diligent. You must remove the bones every day and come out at dawn like this. It is a menu that is a fight with myself. "