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new stills and release date for the Korean movie 'Chronicle of a Blood Merchant'

new stills and release date for the Korean movie 'Chronicle of a Blood Merchant'

Added new stills and release date for the upcoming Korean movie "Chronicle of a Blood Merchant" (2014)

Directed byHa Jeong-woo

WithHa Jeong-woo,Ha Ji-won,Jeon Hye-jin-II,Jang Gwang,Joo Jin-mo,Seong Dong-il,...

Ha Jeong-woo's second directed film based on a Chinese novel about a man who sells his blood for his family.

Release date in Korea : 2015/01/15

new stills and release date for the Korean movie 'Chronicle of a Blood Merchant'

new stills and release date for the Korean movie 'Chronicle of a Blood Merchant'

new stills and release date for the Korean movie 'Chronicle of a Blood Merchant'

new stills and release date for the Korean movie 'Chronicle of a Blood Merchant'

new stills and release date for the Korean movie 'Chronicle of a Blood Merchant'

new stills and release date for the Korean movie 'Chronicle of a Blood Merchant'


Source from :Hancinema