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trailer, poster and new stills for the upcoming Korean documentary "My Selves"

trailer, poster and new stills for the upcoming Korean documentary "My Selves"

Added trailer, poster and new stills for the upcoming Korean documentary "My Selves"

"My Selves" (2011)

Directed byBoo Ji-young,Kim Kkobbi,Seo Yeong-joo,Yang Eun-yong

WithKim Kkobbi,Seo Yeong-joo,Yang Eun-yong,...

The actors start to shoot themselves after they receive the cameras. Kim Kkot-bee goes abroad to shoot her friends from Breathless. She throws parties with her friends there and shoots a film. She also has a good time with her dear sister and brother. When Seo Young-ju finished her busy life with a performance as an actress and an assistant director after shooting a film, Seo leaves on a trip overseas to hibernate. She is thinking what she as an actress should do for the health of the earth. But her loneliness cannot be solved.Yang Eun-yongloves someone, but cannot contact with him. She drinks because of her agony, but cannot resolve her loneliness and thirst easily. However, there is the film in the center of them. Though it is tough, they reveal and discover their new faces through their films, the source of their energy. There is something in the actresses in the shaking cameras; that is what they are looking for.
Director's Statement
While I have been watching films for a long time, I was wondering how the actors live in everyday life. They might be similar with us, or totally different. Still, I kept wondering how they live so differently that they have different face and expressions in each film and give off their energy. Thus, I offered them cameras and suggested to shoot their everyday lives. The cameras will contain them, people around them and their everyday lives. The actors reveal themselves in the cameras, not as actresses in a film. "My Selves" means the three actresses includingKim Kkobbi,Yang Eun-yongandSeo Yeong-joo. I wish I could understand their lives and agonies in their unexpected appearances from the frames.

Release date in Korea : 2012/08/23

trailer, poster and new stills for the upcoming Korean documentary "My Selves"

trailer, poster and new stills for the upcoming Korean documentary "My Selves"

trailer, poster and new stills for the upcoming Korean documentary "My Selves"

trailer, poster and new stills for the upcoming Korean documentary "My Selves"

trailer, poster and new stills for the upcoming Korean documentary "My Selves"

trailer, poster and new stills for the upcoming Korean documentary "My Selves"


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