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Two television writers and a company employee have been slapped with fines after writing and spreading a rumor that PD Na Young Suk and actress Jung Yu Mi were having an affair.

Broadcasters who were handed over to trial for creating the affairs of PD Na Young-seok and actor Yoo Mi-mi were sentenced to a fine at first. According to the law on July 17, Kim Chun-ho, Deputy Judge of the Criminal Justice of the Seoul Central District Court, was fined 3 million won by Amo 31 and Jeong Mo 30, who were accused of defamation under the Information and Communications Network Act. He was fined two million won. Judge Kim said, “Lee and others have just written a message just for fun in the process of communicating with acquaintances by messenger.” “It is not intended to express bad feelings about PD or others.” did. However, "the act of this case seems to have been made under the purpose of slander, such as to ridicule and torture me," he said. "There is no reasonable basis for whether the content is true even though the degree of disparity is not light." However, the sentence was decided in consideration of the fact that the public's interest in the bad side of PD and the like, and Lee acknowledged the mistake. Lee and others were charged with creating and disseminating false affairs in his home or company office on October 14-15, and defaming PD and Chung's reputation. 'Jirashi' (private information magazine), 'I PD and actress Jung Yu-mi' is immoral, was mass distributed on October 17 last year. Two days later, PD and Jung sued the investigative agency, saying it was a false fact.