Enzo Andronico 05/13/1924 , (100 years old) in Palermo, Sicily, Italy

Known for department



poster My Wife Goes Back to School (1981)

Aristide, the commission chairman

poster A Policewoman in New York (1981)

Insegnante di dialetto palermitano (as Vincenzo Andronico)

poster The Country Doctor (1981)

Ambrogio, the mayor

poster Franco, Ciccio e il pirata Barbanera (1969)

Cane Nero, uomo di Barbanera

poster Ma che musica maestro (1971)

farmacista di S.Veronica Bassa

poster I due pezzi da 90 (1971)


poster Under the Sheets (1976)

Hospital Clerk

poster I due Crociati (1968)

Man blind in one eye

poster Littlefoot the Policeman (1974)

Commissario Pappacoda

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