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Onew states that he can forgive a woman that cheats on him up to 3 times

Onew states that he can forgive a woman that cheats on him up to 3 times

SHINee‘sOnewrecently revealed that his ideal type was actressLee Na Youngand on the September 26th broadcast ofMBC‘s ‘Radio Star,’ he also explained the type of behavior he likes and dislikes in girls.

The MC’s asked Onew, “If you had a girlfriend, what wouldn’t you be able to stand?“. The singer responded, “If my girlfriend had aegyo, I would be able to tolerate anything,” surprising the MC’s and the other guests.

Fellow guest,CNBLUE‘sJonghyunstated, “I can’t allow cheating, I could never forgive someone for that.” While SHINee’sTaeminstated, “I can’t allow someone who has no sense of responsibility. I don’t like women who just use aegyo and ask to let the issue go.” Onew listening to these answers, responded, “Wouldn’t you let it go if she did aegyo? You have to set some limits. I can accept cheating up to 3 times,” surprising everyone once again.

The MC’s made various suggestions to find what kind of women Onew wouldn’t accept. Yoo Seyoon said, “How about a woman who smokes?” Onew replied, “I’d think about it a bit, but I think it’ll be okay.” Yoo Seyoon then said, “How about if she smoke cigars, or a pipe?” Onew said, “I don’t like the pipe,” making everyone laugh. Onew also stated that he didn’t like women who uses profanity.

The episode also featured actressKim Jung Nan, who is abig fan of Onew.

Onew states that he can forgive a woman that cheats on him up to 3 times