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Jeon Hyeum-moo expressed his affection for Han Hye-jin who was a candidate for the three presidents 'I live alone'

In the meantime, he is the one who showed off his infinite affection for Han Hye-jin through "I live alone." However, for Han Hye-jin, he is attracting more attention by saying that he can resign as chairman. 


Rainbow members gathered at Jeon Hyun-moo's house and watched soccer games between Korea and Sweden in MBC 'I Live Alone' on the last 22 days. The members were dressed up in costumes to show their individuality, and Jeon Hyun-moo was a judge in black and white. 

While eating delicious food and watching the soccer game, Jang Hyun-moo wakes up from the seat and the TV remote control is stepped on. So Jeon Hyun-moo rushed TV, but the artificial intelligence function was executed at that moment, and the scene became a mess. 

All of the members fell into a state of artificial intelligence that did not understand the words correctly, and only when the screen went over to the relay, Han Hye-jin, who was relieved to do so, joked, "I almost broke up." The 'Remote Criminal Dictatorship' launched by Jeon Hyun-moo is said to be the most exciting scenery on the broadcasting day. 

In the meantime, it was predicted that the third rainbow presidential election will be held at the end of broadcasting. It began with the question of Szmadi, and each member appealed for their merits by running for election. Among them, Han Hye Jin was also included. When Han Hye-jin came out to speak, Jeon-moo soon expressed his affection for Han Hye-jin, saying, "I want to cover up." 

Of course, the results of the presidential election and the progress of the election are not all open, but it is still unclear what reversal is hidden. However, since he is Jeon Hyun-moo who did not hide his affection by singing Han Hye-jin through the broadcasting as a nickname of "Cheer up", this "outing" remark also seems to be a big topic. 

On the other hand, 11.4 percent of the respondents said "I live alone," and 11.6 percent of the respondents said "Nielsen Korea metropolitan area." This is 1.6% p higher than last week and 1.5% p higher than the previous week. The 2049 audience rating, which is the main indicator of advertisers' channel competitiveness, is 6.9% for the first half and 7.6% for the second half of the Nielsen Korea metropolitan area.