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KARA reveal their current ideal types

KARA reveal their current ideal types

KARAtalked about their ideal types.

The girls were recent guests onNihonTV‘s ‘Blue Laughter for Anyone‘ to promote their latest Japanese single, ”Bye Bye Happy Days“. During the broadcast, the topic of their ideal type was brought up.

Gyurisaid, “I like men who are mature and can understand me well.Seungyeonrevealed, “I like someone who takes care of me as if I’m a baby and helps me around the house“.Nicolechose, “I like men who pay attention to detail and can remember what I say“.Harasaid, “I like men with low voices“, andJiyoungsaid, “I like men who are fun and engaging in conversation.

Do you fit any of their ideal type criteria?

Tip: HeyMister